Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

As an ardent dog lover, I cannot help but sing praises of this amazing species, truly man’s best friend. Josh billings had said, and I quote, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” An epitome of friendship and loyalty, they will love you and worship you as the centre of their universe. Man’s companion since olden times, these faithful creatures will always bring a smile to your faces. No matter whom you are, or what you have done, they will never judge you. If you own a pet you will know what I mean when I say that they can understand us; getting excited when you are happy or staring at you with those soul melting eyes when you are angry , dogs are highly intelligent. Intelligence to a great extent is dependent on the breed. Judged on the basis of obedience and learning speed and capability, and some of the world’s most intelligent dogs are:
10. Australian Cattle Dog
Australian cattle dog
Australian cattle dog
Reputed to be strong, sturdy dogs, Australian cattle dogs are highly smart and active. As the name implies, they were used as herders of sheep and other livestock by Australian settlers in ranches. Broad skulls with pricked ears set wide apart, these dogs known for their endurance have a muscular physical build. They are highly energetic, and possess a tendency to nip and bite which can be controlled via proper training, of which they are highly receptive. Protective and wary of strangers, these intelligent dogs make excellent watchdogs. They are known to be sturdy because very competitive, they can withstand high temperatures and travel long distances in high terrains, which also brings out their natural agility, making them excellent for sporting events, as police dogs, and detection dogs. They are known as shadow dogs because of their proximity to their ‘person’ and are very reactive to their body language.
9. Rottweiler
It is one of the oldest, most reputable breeds known and can be traced back to the first century when roman legions used them to herd cattle and guard prisoners. Powerful and brave they are generally feared, and they make for exceptionally good guard dogs. High intelligence and sense of smell makes them great trackers for law enforcement. Intimidating with a strong physical presence, they are calm and protective enough to be ferocious. Proud and intelligent, it is by far one of the finest breeds of dogs on earth.
Also note that training is very important for Rottweiler’s as they are known to be one of the top dogs that bite.
Unique and charming, they have exceptional intelligence. One of the most popular choice for a pet, Dobermans are medium to large in size with a muscular, compact  built  and are usually dark coloured with a short coat. They have long tails but usually their tails are cropped off for better agility. Unfortunately,due to their stiff demeanor and slightly hostile, muscular and lean appearance there has been a negative image about this breed. But contrary to this perception, Dobermans are temperamentally gentle and loving. Very attached and protective of families, they do them aggressive towards strangers. With early training, they can amaze you with their quick learning abilities and obedience. They are also curious and loyal, making them ideal companions and wonderful family dogs. Hyperactive and eager, they most certainly require their daily dose of physical workout and attention also due to their tendency to escape fenced enclosures and houses.
7. Papillon
Delicate looking and small in size, it has gotten the name butterfly dog on account of its fringed hair on it ears. Known as the continental toy spaniel they were very popular among the rich and well to do during the 16th century. Highly regarded for its intelligence, this gentle, happy and sociable breed is very obedient and responsive, which was its claim to fame in dog shows, where it displayed spectacular performances in sports and agility tests alongside breeds like German shepherds, despite its size. As is the case with most intelligent breeds they are highly active and need constant stimulated physical activities for overall health and maintenance. An added advantage and a proof of its intellect these dogs can be suitably litter trained!
6. Labrador
One of the most playful breeds and a personal favourite, the Labrador’s most distinct feature are its soulful yet playful eyes .it hails from Newfoundland and historically held the reputation of being used as retrievers for hunting fowls. Relatively large with broad heads and fuller faces, they have dense coats and strong bodies. They are registered in three different colors notably- black, chocolate and yellow which includes whitish to cream colour as well. These extremely smart dogs are pleasant, outgoing and amiable. Their sense of smell is noteworthy and that combined with great trainability and obedience explains their use in police departments and navies as drug detection dogs. Enthusiastic and boisterous, they are great at retrieving games like fetch. Their intellect and loving nature has also made them popular as therapy dogs, assistance dogs and aids to autistic and blind children. Their easygoing nature, on one hand makes them great pets also makes them bad watchdogs.
5. Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdog
Lovingly called sheltie, these wonderful companion dogs are one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs in the world. Originally from Scotland these small, energetic dogs were herders as well controlling livestock as well as being guard dogs. Quick at learning and obeying new commands alongside their athletic capability makes them adept at competition events and obedience, and not surprisingly outperforming other breeds in herding and tracking events. Though they make for great pets due to their loving nature, they are highly vocal and are great watchdogs. They need attention and continuous physical exercise to keep them occupied, and also their naturally untrusting nature needs socialization.
4. Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
If you remember the pedigree advertisement’s gorgeous dog with a shiny coat, it was a golden retriever. These adorable dogs were initially bred to bring back game birds that were shot during hunting and shooting parties, hence the name retriever. With a silky coat which is water repellent, retrievers are generally sub divided into three different varieties based on the colour which are blonde, yellow or gold. One of the most friendly, confident and docile breeds, they make ideal pets and are friendly to strangers as well. Highly obedient and hardworking, they can focus on a given task with utmost concentration till they get it right thus well trainable. Their intellectual capability is also high and that coupled with their amiable nature makes them excellent guides, assistance dogs and in search and rescue. On account of being highly agile and active, these water lovers need plenty of physical activity.
3. German shepherd
German shepherd
German shepherd
Strong, agile and devoted; the German shepherd also called Alsatian, is one of the most recognized breed of pets. Imposing in size, they have a domed forehead, square-cut muzzle, large, erect ears which are open at the front and a long neck, but most noticeably they have a long bushy tail and lively intelligent eyes. With a natural instinct for protection, it is adaptable, athletic, obedient and fearless which makes this German origin dog suitable for every job that a dog has ever done. From being an extraordinary contribution to the police and military on account of their strength and acumen, they have also earned the distinction of working as excellent guide dogs, trackers, herders, search and rescue dogs and even detector dogs which display their brilliant intellect and training aptitude. Though they can tend to be slightly aggressive, early training these obedient dogs more than takes care of it.
2. Poodle
Looks can be deceptive, and one of the definitive examples of the same is poodle. A common sight in all dog shows around the world as primped up groomed dogs, it is hard to believe this wool covered dog is one of the smartest dogs on the planet. Its name poodle is derived from the German word pudel or pudelin meaning to splash in the water, as a reference to the earlier breeding of these dogs to jump in the water to fetch waterfowl for hunters. The different poodle types are differentiated as toy, miniature and standard based on its size. Playful, active and dignified, poodles are excellent learners and train well. They perform very well at obedience, hunt and agility tests on account of their distinguishable keen intelligence. Despite a tad extra care in the grooming department, poodles make for one of the best and most intelligent pets.
Here are some important dog care tips, if u are planning to buy a dog like Poodle that needs extra care.
1. Border Collie
Border Collie
Border Collie
Known predominantly for their intelligence, they are herding dogs that originated from the Anglo Scottish border. Medium sized and most commonly coloured black and white, they have a frequently shedding lush coat of fur. They excel at herding trials because of their natural herding instincts and at dog sports due to their amazing trainability, spectacular agility, speed and flair for acrobatics. Most famous collies around the world have displayed sensational ability to remember instructions and identify objects, displaying their dexterity and obedience. They are wonderful pets and are easily trained, though not for all, since their high perceptibility and intelligence means they are constantly learning new tricks and skills making it a task to keep up with them. Highly energetic and active, they need constant attention and engagement to keep them busy!

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