World's smallest comic exists on a single human hair

The smallest comic in the history of art has been created, blasted onto a strand of human hair using a focussed ion beam.
In the grand scheme of things, comics are pretty small to begin with. A traditional American-style comic book is 20 pages of story. Ashcans (half-size promotional comics) are even smaller. Nothing holds a candle to artist Claudia Puhlfürst's strip 'Juana Knits the Planet' though -- it exists at a microscopic level and can only be read with a powerful microscope. 

Puhlfürst's comic was etched into a single hair by Andrew Zonenberg, a PhD student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York state, using an FEI Versa 3D machine. The process involves "a very sharp and high-speed jet of matter [to be] produced and directed towards the hair to etch it -- similar to a fine laser beam."


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